Green and versatile: the hidden potential of Brazilian bamboo in the global low-carbon economy
Guadua bamboo: a sustainable giant of the Americas
Bamboo cutting and management in Brazil: legal framework
Bamboo spoons: the smart and sustainable choice for your kitchen
How choosing treated bamboo impacts construction success
Vietnamese coffee shop innovates with bamboo coffee
Brazilian market trends: the boom in the import of bamboo chopsticks in 2023
The advantages of bamboo: from furniture and flooring to clothing and construction.
Bamboo-reinforced concrete: Japanese leadership in civil construction
Centro Brasileiro Inovação e Sustentabilidade impulsiona uso do bambu na construção civil com apoio da nova norma ABNT NBR 17043
Brazil advances in sustainability: national commission boosts partnerships and philanthropy
Imports of bamboo furniture increase by 150% in Brazil in 2023
Alibaba will reinvent food delivery with bamboo
Bamboo: the impact on the furniture industry
Bamboo: From Simplicity to Economic Wealth in China
There is a lack of sustainability in Brazil's planted forests.
Biophilic Architecture: Transforming Spaces and Careers in Brazil
Import of bamboo flooring grows 120% in Brazil in 2023